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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Java 2 Network Security(IBM)

Part 1. Introduction to Java and Security

  • Chapter 1. An Overview of Java and Security
  • Chapter 2. Attack and Defense
  • Chapter 3. The New Java Security Model

Part 2. Under the Hood
  • Chapter 4. The Java Virtual Machine
  • Chapter 5. Class Files in Java 2
  • Chapter 6. The Class Loader and Class File Verifier
  • Chapter 7. The Java 2 SecurityManager
  • Chapter 8. Security Configuration Files in the Java 2 SDK
  • Chapter 9. Java 2 SDK Security Tools
  • Chapter 10. Security APIs in Java 2
  • Chapter 11. The Java Plug-In
  • Chapter 12. Java Gets Out of Its Box
Part 3. Beyond the Island of Java – Surfing into the Unknown
  • Chapter 13. Cryptography in Java 2
  • Chapter 14. Enterprise Java
  • Chapter 15. Java and Firewalls – In and Out of the Net
  • Chapter 16. Java and SSL
  • Chapter 17. Epilogue
Appendix A. Getting Internal System Properties
Appendix B. Signature Formats
Appendix C. X.509 Certificates
Appendix D. Sources of Information about Java Security
Appendix E. What’s on the Diskette?
Appendix F. Special Notices
Appendix G. Related Publications
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