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Monday, March 15, 2010

Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Second Edition

 The appendix covers all aspects of connecting to mail from SQL Server, including the following:

  • How to start your mail session. This includes how to work around the limitation in SQL Server with the relationship between your SQL Mail login name and the profiles you set up in Exchange.

  • Using xp_startmail to start the mail session. Alternatively, you can use the SQL Enterprise manager's mail icon to stop and start services.

  • How to use the extended stored procedures, including xp_findnextmsg, xp_readmail, xp_sendmail, and xp_deletemail. These extended stored procedures let you work with the mail queue, both in reading and sending mail directly from SQL Server-stored procedures.

  • How to stop mail services by using both SQL Enterprise Manager and the xp_stopmail extended stored procedure.
This up-to-date appendix will provide you with sample procedures and code, as well as complete practical descriptions and notes about applying the extended stored procedures to your mail-based solution.
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