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Friday, March 19, 2010

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 BIble by Paul Nielsen

Table of Contents:

Part I : Laying the Foundation

chapter 1 : Introduction to SQL
chapter 2 : Modelling the Logical Database Schema
chapter 3 : Installing and configuring SQL server
chapter 4 : Using SQL servers developer tools

Part II : Developing SQL server Databases

chapter 5 : Implementing the physical Database Schema
chapter 6 : Retrieving data with select
chapter 7 : Merging Data Using Relational Algebra
chapter 8 : Searching Full-Text Indexes
chapter 9 : Creating Views
chapter 10 : Modifying Data
chapter 11 : Trasactional Integrity
chapter 12 : Programming with Transact-SQL
chapter 13 : Developing Stored Procedures
chapter 14 : Building Userdefined Functions
chapter 15 : Implementing Triggers
chapter 16 : Advanced Server-Side Programming

Part III : Data Connectivity

chapter 17 : Transferring Databases
chapter 18 : Working with Distributed Queries
chapter 19 : Migrating Data with DTS
chapter 20 : Replicating Databases
chapter 21 : ADO and ADO.NET
chapter 22 : XML and Web Publishing

Part IV : Administering SQL Server

chapter 23 : Configuring SQl Server
chapter 24 : Maintaing the Database
chapter 25 : Automating Database Maintenance with SQL server Agent
chapter 26 : Recovery Planning
chapter 27 : Scuring Databses

Part V : Advanced Issues

chapter 28 : Advanced Performance
chapter 29 : Advanced Availability
chapter 30 : Advanced Scalability
chapter 31 : Analysis Services
chapter 32 : Advanced Portability

Appendix A : Resources
Appendix B : Sample Databases
Appendix C : SQL Server 2000 Specifications
Appendix D : What is on the CD?

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