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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sam's Teach Your self Linux in 24 hours

Part I Installation and Configuration
Hour 1 Preparing to Install Linux
2 Installing Linux
3 Configuring the X Window System

Part II Learning Linux Basics

Hour 4 Reading and Navigation Commands
5 Manipulation and Searching Commands
6 Using the Shell
7 Using the X Window System
8 Exploring Other X11 Window Managers

PartIII Connecting to the Outside World

Hour 9 Using Communications Programs
10 Connecting to the Internet
11 Configuring Internet Email
12 Configuring Internet News
13 Internet Downloading and Browsing

Part IV Using Linux Productively

Hour 14 Text Processing
15 Preparing Documents
16 Graphics Tools
17 Learning Math and Financial Tools
18 Personal Productivity Tools
19 Playing Linux Games

Part V Administering Your System

Hour 20Basic System Administration
21 Handling Files
22 Red Hat Tools
23 Archiving
24 Scheduling

Click Here To Download


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